Miracle at the Meadowlands: One of the Greatest Upsets in NFL History


It was November 19, 1978, and the Philadelphia Eagles were playing against their division rivals, the New York Giants. The Eagles were having a terrible season, with only two wins to their name, while the Giants were heading towards the playoffs with an 6-4 record. No one gave the Eagles a chance to win, and the Giants were already starting to think about their next game.nike air jordan 1 low se malachite

But what happened next was nothing short of a miracle. With only 31 seconds left on the clock, the Giants were up 17-12 and had the ball. All they had to do was run out the clock and the game would be theirs. But instead of taking a knee, the Giants handed the ball off to their running back, Larry Csonka. As he tried to run up the middle, Eagles linebacker Herman Edwards came out of nowhere, stripped the ball from him, and returned it for a touchdown. The crowd at Giants Stadium was stunned as the Eagles took the lead with only seconds left.air jordan 1 zoom cmft 2 x teyana

But the game wasn't over yet. The Giants still had one more chance to win. They received the kickoff and drove down the field, but with only 6 seconds left on the clock, they had to attempt a desperation play. Quarterback Joe Pisarcik tried to hand the ball off, but fumbled it. Eagles defensive back, Irv Cross, managed to pick up the ball and run it in for another touchdown, securing the Eagles' victory.

The Miracle at the Meadowlands was one of the biggest upsets in NFL history and is still talked about today. It showed that in football, anything can happen, and no team is ever truly out of the game. It also taught the Giants a valuable lesson about the importance of playing until the final whistle. For the Eagles, it was a moment that would go down in history and inspire generations of players and fans alike.

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